Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why Oklahoma City can beat the Lakers

The ending of Game 4 of the Oklahoma City Thunder/Los Angeles Lakers series was a strange sight. None of the usual suspects were on the floor due to the game being a blowout, but not in the direction that anyone would have expected. Final score: Thunder 110 Lakers 89. Many expected the Thunder to compete in this series and maybe even steal a game or two, but ultimately everybody knew that the defending champs would defeat the young Oklahoma City team without being tested too much. Nobody foresaw the Thunder manhandling LA as thoroughly as they did in Game 4, and now with the series tied at 2 games apiece, the Thunder have a realistic chance at winning this series.

If OKC can steal Game 5 in LA, then they take a series lead home for Game 6 to a great home crowd which creates an environment that makes them tough to beat. The notion of winning in LA isn't as far-fetched as one might think, as the Thunder only lost by 8 in Game 1 and 3 in Game 2. If they can continue to play the way the have then this team will put themselves in a position to win tonight. In their two wins this series the Thunder have gotten balanced scoring, which makes them a very difficult team to beat. Kevin Durant is averaging 27 points and Russell Westbrook 22 points, however contributions from Jeff Green and especially James Harden off the bench kept the scoring pressure off of the two stars. If the role players continue scoring, then shutting down Durant doesn't kill Oklahoma City's chances to win.

Rebounding has also been extremely key to the Thunder's success. This is strange since the Lakers enjoy such a large height advantage, however in the Thunder's two wins they have outrebounded Los Angeles. Both Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum are averaging 11 and 10 boards respectively, but the rebound-by-committee approach of OKC has allowed them to win the battle for the boards. Seven Thunder players are averaging at least 3.8 rebounds in this series, led by Durant (19 boards in Game 3) and Westbrook (6.5 rpg). Getting solid rebounding contributions from multiple players, especially from the guard positions, allows the Thunder to overcome 21 rpg from Bynum and Gasol.

The Lakers have multiple issues that need to be addressed, foremost of which is shot distribution. Not only did Kobe Bryant only attempt 10 shots in Game 4, he didn't even take a shot until the second quarter. Los Angeles needs Kobe to score and not spend an entire quarter 'getting his teammates involved'. While that may sound like a good teammate, this Lakers team needs Kobe to lead by scoring, or at the very least looking for his shot. In addition, Bynum and Gasol have to get more touches; both these players are shooting well over 50% for the series, however they are only taking a combined 22 shots per game. The Lakers need to use these skilled post scorers to abuse the Thunder in the paint and dominate the remainder of this series. Where should these extra shots come from? Why, Derek Fisher of course! Fisher is putting up 9 shots per game, and while he is shooting 50% from beyond the arc, he is only shooting 27% on two point shots. Fisher needs to only be shooting spot of threes when the ball is kicked out of the post; that is when he is at his best and that is what will give LA the best chance to win.

Oklahoma City has been able to take the Lakers height 'advantage' and turn it into a positive situation for themselves, by hitting outside shots and getting into transition. Gasol has had enormous amounts of trouble guarding Jeff Green the last two games due to Green's quickness and ability to knock down threes. If OKC can continue to use their quickness and athleticism to get fast break opportunities, then they have a chance to pull off this upset.


  1. Don't forget our bet.... Harden vs Curry in 15 years.

  2. i am disappointed in you... why okc CAN beat the lakers??? should be why okc WILL beat the lakers.

  3. yes. shoot only threes. beautiful strategy

  4. Still think they can win after last night? LA looks pretty focused. I don't Durant and Co. beating Kobe in a game 7 either.

  5. thats why I said can instead of will. The Lakers finally found their championship form and put forth some effort. LA should win in 6.

  6. I like the OK city crowd to help them win game 6. Again, no way they win game 7 in LA, too young... Mamba won't let it happen.

  7. Kobe still has a few more good years in him. However...Durand is coming for him in about 3 years.
